Friday, December 31, 2010

African American Slavery


African American Slavery trade was prohibited in 1808 by congress. Importing slaves may not had been allowed, but their was still trading and auctions around to sell slaves. Around 1790 and 1860, slavery was pushed more to the southern area. Being put in a area not close to their family. The reason for raising and selling them was to make the economy better for them in ways of getting money. They had different jobs in the 1800s, they worked for hours and hours on picking cotton and planting. Some did laundry and made dinner. Some worked in factories, construction workers.
If some did good, they were given nice things. While some slaves werent appreciated at times,they were threatened. Some worked in mines and there they were usually punished. But some were freed because of their goodness of doing so well with their owners after their owner died. They created the underground railroad in canada in the 1800s. There was many free Negroes after the 1830s. During the 1830s and 1860s, the number of slaves decreased.

There was different negros in seven classes. some were descendents of some servants, while some were born free mothers. Some were successful at gaining freedom. But these slaves were not considered as good people to follow for the other slaves in different communities. The more they tried to escape, the worse they were said as bad examples to follow. If a negro was to try to become a free slave, they had to pay for the mayer and his family $50 each person. Even if they were free, they could not underestimate and do wrong towards the whites, they were sent to jail for any misbehavior they had. There was 290 free slaves that became trapped in the city jail. Life for both free slaves and slaves, still remained a struggle

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